Mon 27 Jan
BRAND NEW 100% Real WARNING EXTREMELY ADDictive Incall 160Hr specials - 24
(Pasadena, Glendale incall only)
(* BLONDE HoTTiE! *) ! ViSiTiNG *CuTiE *___ _ ( BuStY.DDs:) ___ ___*TOTAL KNOCKOUT*! - 22
(55freeway*Dyer(ViSiTiNG AVAiLaBlE NoW))
BaCK BY PoPULAR DeMaND!!!! CALL for SPECIALS ! RETURN FRIENDS TAKE OFF 40$!! 140hh 180h incalls! - 21
(BEACH AND 91 & 22)
(Los Angeles, LAX Incalls/OUTCALLS♂♀ 2 U)
👅💦 }};{{ ADORABLE and WORTH the look ... outcall SPECIALS. Morning SPECIALS 🔥👄 - 26
(Los Angeles, Santa Monica,w.LA, culver city, w. hlywd)
☎ (( All NATURAL )) _____ °L°A°T°I°N° DOLL _____ (( So SENSUAL )) ☎ - 24
▒A ▒L▓I ▓C ▒E❤.•*▓ is ▓ back ▒ * ❤.•*▓▒ *714-331-9364 •* ▓ ▒☰ ▓ - 20
(Orange County, incall in ORANGE)
-:¦ -:¦:- $80 $80 SPeCIaLS °SToP MoVInG YOuR MOuSEwe CaN MaKe NauGHTy SoOO NiCe ♥ ;-:¦ -
(Off The 5 and Harbor Specials)
█ █ ███60$ SPECIALS███ R█O █S █E █4'11 and funsized (714)-878-3284 - 20
(Orange County, Buena park Anaheim Stanton garden grove)
$60 INCALL **** WOW *** 4 Caramel Lovers***** EBONY BEAUTY ***** 60/100 - 23
(fullerton-Cal State Fullerton)
2 Girls R Better than 1.. We Love What We Do.. & It Shows - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Canoga Park Outcalls Only)
[ 12O*iNCaLL SPECIAL!! ] (( BuSTyDDs ♥ BLONDE-COED! ♥)) HuRRy! (HOTT! SPECIALS!) - 22
(55/dyer visiting!)
* 100 * Specials * BLONDE BEAUTY * NEW in Town * AVAILABLE NOW * Specials * 100 * - 21
(anaheim in or out)
(( $100 SPECIALS )) _______ (( STUNNING LATINA)) _____ (( $100 SPECIALS )) - 21
(Orange County, Irvine// Lake Forest)
**HuGe NaTUrAL 36DD'S ** **SwEeT TrEatS!!** **BuStY LaTiNa** ((2 x O K)) ''''' - 24
**HuGe NaTUrAL 36DD'S ** **SwEeT TrEatS!!!** **BuStY LaTiNa** ((2 x O.K)) - 24
♒♒♒ ❤ GORGEOUS TIFFANY ❤ ♒♒♒ AVAILABLE NOW ♒♒♒ ❤ ♒♒♒ NO DRAMA.. ♒♒♒♒❤♒♒ JUST FUN !! ❤♒♒♒ - 24
(Irvine, Your Place or Mine NO Driver or Agency!!)
G !!_ r _e _e _a _ t** 80 $PECIALS ** F!!_ e_ a_ t_ u_r _e _D ** 80 $PECIAL ** E!! xTiCl@sSY!!!
(JwA- - -55- - -Dyer ((INCALL)))
Delicious juicy sexy super wild Colombian ready for you@@@ - 25
(Orange County, 91/57 harbor Anaheim Fulleton)
▒A ▒L▓I ▓C ▒E❤.•*▓ is ▓ back ▒ * ❤.•*▓▒ *714-331-9364 •* ▓ ▒☰ ▓ - 20
(Orange County, incall in ORANGE)
** A. V. A. I. L. N. O. W. ! ** GreenEyed Brunette Hottie Anaheim INCALL $80Special - 34
(Orange County, Anaheim/5&Harbor;/Katella/Disney)
Sun 26 Jan
SMOKIN HOT ♥ ————————— ——————— K I N K Y —————————— ———————— ♥ BOMBSHELL - 19
💋 Y U M M Y • B L 0 N D E 💋 _____ 🔥 H 0 T • S P E C I A L S 🔥 _____ 💖 A V A I L A B L E • N 0 W 💖 - 23
(Fullerton, Fullerton•Buena Park•Anaheim•91Fwy 💕)
$$Specials$$ Freaky Deeds! Freaky,Tight & slippery!$$special 24/7 - 19
(Costa Mesa, Costa mesa..etc)
... Some Guys kinda like Hot, Sweet, Very Busty Blond's - 38
(Orange County, 405 and Harbor blvd.)
█ █ █ ————————— sO╠╣OT 💗💓——————— So╠╣OT💗💓——————— sO╠╣OT 💗💓——————— REDHEADED GIRL ————————— - 19
(Orange County, 91 & 57 frwy near Harbor blvd Incalls!!)
★♡★ SEXY LATINA ♥NaTuraL 34F ♥ sPeCiALs ALl nighT ★♡★ - 22
(Orange County, Disneyland/anaheim/orange)
(NEW PICS) H O R HaN OuR Â V R Â G iF sHeS GOoD....iM Great!! TEMECULA - 21
((((((((LaTiNaS Do It ThE bEsT BaBy)))))))) 100% ReAl PiCs $80 specials - 21
(Orange County, Anaheim / Santa Ana /upscale in/outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
LAST NITE HERE SPECIALS ~*~ Sexxi Petite Curvy Puerto Rican Vixxen ~*~ 120/hhr 200/hr * 420 FRIENDLY - 22
Sat 11 Jan
♥-:¦: U=*L=*T=*R=*A _ H=*O=*T :¦:-♥ !!___ B l O N D E * G F E ___!! NeW IN TOWN - 21
(Anaheim in/out *CrAzY SpEciALs*!)
(¯`★´¯) -*_G_E_n_T_ L_e_M_e_N_s_*_ C__h__O__i__C__ e_*- (¯`★´¯) - 19
G !!_ r _e _e _a _ t** 80 $PECIALS ** F!!_ e_ a_ t_ u_r _e _D ** 80 $PECIAL S ** E!!! _X c_ iT!nG
(JwA- - -55- - -Dyer)
(* BLONDE HoTTiE! *) ! ViSiTiNG *CuTiE *___ _ ( BuStY.DDs:) ___ ___*TOTAL KNOCKOUT*! - 22
(55freeway*Dyer(ViSiTiNG AVAiLaBlE NoW))
Fri 10 Jan
Hot Petite Brazilian Mixed Freak! Long Sexy Legs And As Beautiful As Can Be....... Incall Specials - 23
(Garden Grove/Anaheim/Irvine)
~!~UP ALL NIGHT 100 SPECIAL~!~ New Sexxi Puerto Rican g.f.e. Exotic Mami ~!~WELL REVIEWED~!~ - 22
OoOoO I love 2 Get NASTY xXx Lets See WHO C*U*M*S 1ST xXx 24/7 ALL DAY BABY xXx (2 x O.K) - 24
💟💟💟••• JUiiCyy LATiiNA 🆕 iiN ANAHEiiM NOW 💯••💯••💯 SPECiiALs •••💟💟💟 - 21
(Orange County, Anaheim / DISNEY / outcall/ incall)
INCALLS..HOT hot HOT !! ultimate G.F.E.!! EARLY mornings,LUNCH time, LATE nights!!! SPECIALS !!! - - 20
Thu 09 Jan
Stunning Salvadorian! VISITING 5 Star Latina Beauty! (Se Habla Espanol) - 25
(Costa Mesa Incalls w/Outcalls Entire OC)
~!~SUPER FIRM SUPER YOUNG~!~ Petite Puerto Rican g.f.e. Vixxen Avail ~!~100 hhr INCALL SPECIALS~!~ - 22
•••►•••► ◤ C✪ME PLAY WITH ME◢ ♥ ▓▒ Available 24/7 ▓▒ ♥ ✺NEW✺《 ★ Specials★ 》Call N✪w! ☎909.570.1241 - 20
(Orange County, Incalls Santa Ana Or Outcalls Out Too U)
4'11 AND FUNSIZED███ R█O █S █E █ (714) 331 9364 UNBEATABLE SPECIALS - 19
(Orange County, buena park incall!! OC outcalls)
Finger Licking Good Brazilian Mixed Freak!!! The Best Exotic Provider With Great Incall Specials... - 23
(Anahiem/Santa Ana/Irvine/Garden Grove)
💛AVAILABLE NOW💎 SupEr BusTy LaTiNA💚 naTurAl 36DDs❤️ Thick&Juicy;💦 80/20min InCalL SpEciAl 24hRs😘 - 22
(Orange County, anaheim/orange/fullerton/91FWY)
Wed 08 Jan
~LAST DAY HERE~ Tantric Escort (Natural 42DD-28-38) *****NEW $PECIALS**** - 33
(Orange, Orange/Anheim BY 57, 91& 55 fwys in/out)
☰ ââââââ EXOTIC ââââââ DREAM ââââââ KOREAN _________ ☰ - 20
(Orange County, Orange County Costa mesa)
_________ ★ COME★ ______ ☆ PULL☆ ______ ★ MY HAIR ★ __________ - 18
(CostaMesa Incall Near 405 & Harbor)
*CLICK HERE! *__* 12O Incall Special *__* DON'T MISS OUT *__ * HoT *__* bUsTy *__* bLoNdE* - 23
•★•°♥ █ ▬▬ ►INTOXICATING BEAUTY ◄▬ █RØCKIN BODY◄▬ █ ♥ █ ▬►UPSCALE °•★•° 100% Satisfaction °•★•° - 22
(Orange County, Harbor Blvd/Costa Mesa/Garden Grove)
NeW PiCs ....sTePpiNg On ThE CoMpEtiTiOn .... In My HiGh HeeLs ...1oo RoSeS Hh - 21
(Orange County, buena park incall/ outcall O.C.)
(* BLONDE HoTTiE! *) ! ViSiTiNG *CuTiE *___ _ ( BuStY.DDs:) ___ ___*TOTAL KNOCKOUT*! - 22
(55 & Dyer Incall & Outcall 24/7)
== (( *8O Specials* )) == (( *H0T MiDDLE EASTERN BEAUTY == (( *Lake Forest* )) - 23
(Orange County, Lake Forest Incall Only *8O SPECIALS*)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
♥♥WARNING♥♥ Extremely Addictive!!! 100% Satisfaction♥ ♥NeW PiCs 60 roses♥ ♥ - 21
(Orange County, buena park 91/ beach)
(¯`'.¸*; Truly Exotic Gorgeous Sexy Diva Visiting! Available 24hrs ;*¸.'´¯) - 21
(Orange County)
Spontaneous👅 Curvy🍫 Freaky Vixen Com play with Me - 28
(Irvine, Lake Forest,Laguna Hills,Irvine Spectrum, Orange County)
NEW (PARTY) LoVeRs DeLiGhT * HIGH QUALITY! *-:¦:{Petite, FRIENDLY} (Available Now) 405/Harbor Incall - 20
(Orange County, COSTA MESA /Harbor Blvd Incall Outcall)
just when you thought you couldn't find what you want!you find a ebony like me!! - 23
(Orange County, by knotts berry farm, in orange county)
[ 12O*iNCaLL SPECIAL!! ] (( BuSTyDDs ♥ BLONDE-COED! ♥)) HuRRy! (HOTT! SPECIALS!) - 22
(55/Dyer LAST DAY ViSiTiNG!)
Long Sexy Legs, Beautiful Face And Frame You Won't Resist!!! 80roses For 25mins..... - 23
(Garden Grove/Anaheim/Santa Ana/Irvine)
***** ***** ******** *T___ H___ E ___ ______ _____S____E___ X____ I_____E ____S ___T!!****** *** *** - 26