Nourish Your Masculine With A Tantra Experience!

Posted : Sunday, January 05, 2025 07:42 PM | 4 views

Journey Into the Heart of Your Sensuality” With an Engaging Goddess, Doctor of Divinity, and Creator of "Authentic Quantum Tantra". Tantra dates back over 6,000 years to Ancient India and perhaps longer to Egyptian Alchemists, where societies practicing Alchemy lived in harmony, peace and sensual trust between male/female, thus developing loving kindness, awareness, and presence. Tantra is a living art form, a vehicle for our own enlightenment,opening gateways within for profound Wisdom and blissful Union with the feminine on much deeper levels than one has ever experienced or can even imagine! We all know what malnourishment means but what about when it pertains to your Intimate life? Do you desire to change that now? For centuries, humans deeply desired to understand this powerful Precious Life Force,seeking to explore,enhance and gain mastery over it, so as to bask in its glow and share it with Love Ones. They understood that all of life on this planet vibrates with a primordial energy, alive, raw, and authentic, that should never,ever be repressed or wasted.. Instead, in Quantum Tantra Teachings, this energy is cultivated within,refined,elevated upward, and ultimately transcended, connecting, cherishing and honoring all of nature.. Imagine, for a moment, how your life would have played out had you been initiated as a young boy in the Sacred Art of Tantra by a Loving Tantrika and Goddess in becoming a “ Sensual Warrior”, deliberately melting your armor and getting in touch with a deeper authentic part of your true masculine and unlimited potential. Each time you reclaim this Power,you change as a person and every time you change, you gain more of this Raw Power, ultimately integrating the dislocated parts of your sensual power, primal wisdom and warrior nature. Each Tantra expansion guides you to the next that leads you to the next and spontaneously to the next and ultimately starts a chain reaction, dynamically collapsing limitations and blockages..If you want to take the first step in waking up to your evolved masculine Birthright than call me immediately. Testimonial: Its been 16 hours since I left your place, yet I'm still having these wonderful tremors running thru my body! I arrived on your doorstep a confused 57 year old looking for anything that could send me on the right path to rekindle the energy in my marital relationship and regain the intimacy that I so crave. The 3 hour session flew by.Through your loving and intuitive touch and direction, I feel like I am a whole new man! Some of the answers were so simple yet,I, like probably 99% of all men have been focused on the wrong energy.Tonight I am an extremely happy man.I am a warrior again! There is hope for us men and the answer is you, Dr.Dagny.Thank you, thank you, thank you! Welcome to the Tantric World of a mature, compassionate and open Tantrika, that embodies the wisdom, and sensual energy of Aphrodite, Goddess Of Love and Nurturing. I faithfully practice Tantra as I treat my body as the Sacred temple that it is,which houses my Glorious soul.. I am slim and fit but still curvy in the right places..LOL:) and I’m more than qualified to assist you in opening to your highest and most authentic Masculine Powerful Potential! Come in, remove your shoes, let down your guard, suspend your beliefs, your expectations and conditions of what this may or may not be..Drop them all at the door before entering the Sacred Temple of the Feminine.Let me lull you into utter tranquility with my serene voice, sensual touch and visual delight,as celestial music plays in the background,while you drop the chatter of your mind, feeling a renewal of your body's energies,nurtured in the depth of your soul and opening to a place of exquisite joy,vitality and alertness that most have forgotten and few have attained. Preferred Email to respond with your name, age and what you want to address at"> I respond to UNBLOCKED NUMBERS. Please keep in mind that i only respond to TEXT after initially talking! Cell is 9492017337. For respectful,discriminating persons who clearly resonate and are inspired with what I have written. What I offer is truly an Investment/Gift in your most precious time and valuable self..The Gift of Appreciation/Sacred Exchange that I suggest ranges from $250 and up,depending on length,frequency and type. Longer experiences up to one day or weekend getaways can be arranged for the Devoted Connoisseur of physical and Spiritual Enlightenment and a higher/Nobler Expression of your Erotic nature. If you are truly sincere in experiencing your own Sensual Power and Reawakening your Divine Masculine than I look forward to our connecting soon and discussing any drawbacks that could prevent you from experiencing this!! Attention Couples:I am available to design an Exquisite Sacred Experience that will soothe your mind,pleasantly enhance your senses, open your hearts, and rejuvenate your spirit, allowing you both to heal together thru Her Surrender and His Serving..I come in light and love and ask that you do the same. brea massage,prostate massage san diego,rent masseur orange county,erotic massage westminster,asian massage westminster,massage newport beach ca,fbsm orange county,craigslist massage therapy,craigslist body rubs,angel spa stanton ca
  • Post ID : 3463664
  • Poster's age : 23
  • City : Orange County
  • Address : South Orange County, CA