Sat 11 Jan
** {StOp!} :* ☆ ¨*: {BiG} :*★¨*: {BoOTY}: *¨☆*: { G533k ZONE } - 20
¯`'.¸+PICK (¯`'.¸+THE+ ¸.'´¯) BEST !!!! XxX=== Naughty=wet== BRUNETTE NyMpHO ===XxX - 21
#❶ PeRFeCT CHoiCe! * GoRgEoUs BLONDE * SoUTheRN SWeeTiE * $100 all day amd night specails - 20
(off 55/dyer)
Petite SLUT (READY 2 HOST( °*(ExTremeLy) °o° (ADDICTIVE) CuTie WitH SMaCkABle BooTy! (Brazilian) - 22
(405 @ Habor Incall/Outcall [Costa Mesa])
NASTY Exotic Super Busty 40DDD+++'s LATINA for ALL FETISHES & FANTASIES !!!!!!!!!!!! - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
~!~!~!~ MyPICS SAY IT ALL~!~!~! DO NOT WAsTe your time on other girls that DONT COMPAIRE ~!~!~!~!~!~ - 21
❤▂ ▃ ❤ HOTEL ❤▂ ▃ ★ FRIENDLY ★▂ ▃ ❤ SEXY ❤ ▂ ❤ INDEPENDENT ❤▂ ▃ ❤ - 22
(garden grove, orange, irvine, beaches, Huntington Beach, Orange County)
{{GooD MoRniNg BuRST }} Bootyful BLoNDE PlaYmaTe {{ SPECiALS }} DoN'T MiSS OuT!! - 24
(Orange County, /Huntington/Costa Mesa incall until noon)
c*m and see me iam bcak in the oc tomorrow 9/06 horny and lets see if u can make me wet - 30
Independent licensed professional masseuse at your service - 35
Looking For That Massage That HasThe Best Of Both Worlds? Come And Try This Blonde Hottie - 38
(Dana Point Private Beach Location, Irvine, Orange County)
Upscale= Discreet Incall!- Beautiful- Exotic- Busty- Mature GFE Playmate!! Highly Rev'd on TER! - 33
(Incall/ My Upscale condo NB nr.73/ Mac.)
♥-:¦: U=*L=*T=*R=*A _ H=*O=*T :¦:-♥ !!___ B l O N D E * G F E ___!! NeW IN TOWN - 21
(Anaheim in/out *CrAzY SpEciALs*!)
* P r e t t y ♥ F i l i p i n a ♥ S w e e t h e a r t! ♥ 1 0 0 % R E A L * - 21
(Orange County, Anaheim Buena Park Fullerton)
🔥╠╣ot! 🔥 ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 🌸🌺 Belizean in Santa Ana 60 qv Special - 25
(In or out call, Orange County, Santa Ana)
NEW*Juicy Vietnamese treat in town come unwrap ur early xmas present**so lets play baby... - 24
(upscale anaheim*disneyland in&outcalls.;)
----- l o v e l y ------ n a u g h t y ------ n i c e ----- c ∀ m e r o n -----
(outcall and incalls)
🌹🎀🌹🎀 FiNe aS WiNe🍷🍷 "N" sWEeT aS cANdy 🍬👅🍡👅🍬🍡🍡👅🍬 - 24
(Beverly Hills, Costa Mesa, Downtown, Hollywood, Irvine, Los Angeles, Orange County, Outcalls ( your place ), Pasadena, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Santa Monica)
**BEAUTIFUL dream BLOnDE !! VERY FLEXIBLE COME PLAY with LEXI only here a short TIME NEW menu** - 19
(Glendale Incall)
* * * * *5 STAR GFE!!! Meet Jillian.... TER REVIEWED!!! Costa Rican Sweetie Pie! * * * * * - 21
(Studio City Incall)
_100_ SwEEt & PeTiTe _100_ The pErFeCt Mixx AsiaN & LaTiNa _100_ available - 21
(55 fwy irvine santa ana costa mesa N/out)
100 HH PReTTY pink ______ IN PReTTY LaCY PANTIES _______ 1000% ReaL AND RECENT PICTURES 175HR - 22
(santa ana)
*~* #1 NAK1D * CHOOSE YOUR * Sexy * Asian * COED PlaymateS ! LIKE OR NO PAY * FBSM Body2Body *~* - 19
☆☆ Want To Be A Sugar Daddy? ☆Afraid of Getting Scammed?☆ We find Real Sugars-Babies For You!!☆☆ - 50
(Costa Mesa, Newport /Irvine/OC/JWA, Orange County)
If your tired of desperate agency's up-selling shows Leaving no room for tip-Call Now*Start Tonight - 22
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job. THIS IS A MUST READ!!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
GoRGeouS ☆° exXxoTiC NYMPHo ☆° FuN FreaK ☆° BiGB OotY1ooC uTyoNDuTy! - 20
G !!_ r _e _e _a _ t** 80 $PECIALS ** F!!_ e_ a_ t_ u_r _e _D ** 80 $PECIAL S ** E!!! _X c_ iT!nG
(JwA- - -55- - -Dyer)
▆ ▅ ▃ ♡❤ ♡ Famous Bombshell Filmstar Alexia Rae ♡ ❤♡ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▒ - 22
(Orange County, Orange County- Fullerton/Anaheim)
Extreme Skills ABSOLUTELY MESMERiZING /Sexy Upscale Playmate. {405/Harbor} Incall Elite 5* - 22
(Incall*405/Harbor Outcall-All Orange Co.)
Extreme Skills ♥Your Best kept S E C R E T/Sexy Upscale Playmate. {405/Harbor} Incall/Outcall
(Incall*405/Harbor Outcall-All Orange Co.)
-:¦:- EXoTIC BEaUTY BacK In ToWN -:¦:- 100% ME or FREE -:¦:- NEW PIC'S an IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY - 21
*D i S N E Y iNCaLLs!!! * S U P E R FUN! HoTT bLoNDE *Nite TImE sPECiALs* 1OO HALF HOUR CALL NOW - 20
DO U BELIEVE CHEMISTY IS EVERYTHING? Upscale Incall! Gorgeus DDs,Thin, Classy, Mature - 34
(Newport Coast Incall- my discreet condo,Newport Coast /Outcall-5* in OC only)
♥ ♥ Beautiful Chinese and Hawaiian companion Leelee available - 22
(Orange County, Costa mesa in call or out call)
*~* #1 NAK1D * CHOOSE YOUR * Sexy * Asian * COED PlaymateS ! LIKE OR NO PAY * FULL Body2Body *~* - 19
❎❎❎❎ Dominant/Alpha Male seeking Female Submissive R U READY 2 GOTO THE NEXT LEVEL❎❎❎❎ - 35
(A city near you, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Orange County)
How out of work actors and models become a high class dinner, travel or social escorts
(Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, multiple)
****CAN U HELP! "A Very Hot Exotic Petite " NON-PRO Business Professional - ISO Work!!***** - 44
(Mission Viejo)
Escorts wanted
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, Los Angeles)
ღ Exotic & Sweet GFE Big Booty Native American ღ Well Reviewed ღ - 22
(Irvine Upscale Incall & Outcall)
Stop look Inside Dont Waste Your Time OR $$ R U The Lucky 1? No BS, In Call, 24/7 - 714 697-2716 - 33
italian treat in your AREA upscale beauty .. looking too hang with fun friends - 19
~^~^~^~ IT's My BiRTHDaY TODAY , CUM CELEBRAITE WITH 100%ME or FREE ~^~^~^~ - 21
🔥👅🔥Fiesty Latina ready to get NASTY🔥👅🔥(si habla en espanol) - 21
(Anaheim, Incall/ outcall, Orange County)
Extreme Skills ♥Your Best kept S E C R E T/Sexy Upscale Playmate. {405/Harbor} Incall/Outcall - 22
(Incall*405/Harbor Outcall-All Orange Co.)
back again The Perfect Vietnamese~I'm da hottest thing smokin rite now in town~come get a t@ste:) - 24
♥100% Rεaℓ ▬▬▬▬▬ Upscαℓε ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ ßεαuty ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε ▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(Costa Mesa, Irvine, Orange, Orange County, Orange County ✨Costa Mesa)
NeW ~juicy vietnamese playmate in town~ Lets play baby* come get a TASTE b4 i leave ~yuMmY - 24
New Pics of Tiffany! Mysteriously Sexy & Sassy! 4 Elite! * Busty* Athletic* Thin* Mature* High Rev's - 33
(Incall/ My Upscale condo NB nr.73/ Mac.)
Discreet Fun!! Independent Upscale Incall! Luscious, Busty, Athletic, Mature & Highly Reviewed! - 33
(My upscale condo,NB off MacArthur/73)
I Can S*U*C*K __ a GOLFBALL *THROUGH ___ a _S_ T_ R_ A_ W! Drain Your Balls completely Dry!
(John Wayne Airport)
E X O T I C ** B LO N D E ** B E A U T Y ** P E T I T E & S E X Y L A T E * N I T E *OK - 36
Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ° BrEaT╠╣Taking! KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs SiNFULLY SWEET * •*Grade A Sirvice$ sPeCiAlS - - 69
(Orange County, Buena Park/Beach Blvd.)
Brand NEW Exotic RICAN Bomshell!! NO gag reflex and ready to down it all! Pamper ur/self..100 h/h!!! - 21
(Huntington beach IN or OUT SPECIALS!)
BEST of O. C.~ UPSCALE~ INDEPENDENT ~ SEXY Curves 38 F * outcall 714-209-0972 - 26
(Orange County, O.C.outcall)
BeSt is BaCk💎SupEr BusTy LaTiNA💚 naTurAl 36DDs❤️ Thick&Juicy;💦60/20min INCALL Avail. 24Hs😘 - 22
(Orange County, anaheim/fullerton/orange)
(* BLONDE HoTTiE! *) ! ViSiTiNG *CuTiE *___ _ ( BuStY.DDs:) ___ ___*TOTAL KNOCKOUT*! - 22
(55freeway*Dyer(ViSiTiNG AVAiLaBlE NoW))
BLONDE ESCORT OC, Beautiful Blue Eyes, Tan, Sexy, Pretty, Normal, Athletic, HEALTHY, Real, Fun and F - 38
(Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa/Newport Beach, Orange County)
*~* #1 NAK1D * Sexy * Asian * COED PlaymateS ! LIKE OR NO PAY * FULL Body2Body *~* - 19
(Garden Grove, STANTON)
ONE CALL to 786-449-6227 TODAY. Start working in Film, Video and Internet THIS WEEK. NO ESCORTING - 40